Senior Analyst Tanja Vaari brings objectivity to clients in crises

Senior Analyst Tanja Vaari has been working with media monitoring "on-off" since 2010, occasionally working in communications and marketing. When Retriever came to Finland in the fall of 2016, Tanja was excited about the opportunity to work for a respected player in the industry and immediately took the opportunity.

What does your typical day consist of?

I analyze my clients' publicity and report on the results, as well as help them in matters related to communication measurement, such as choosing appropriate metrics. As a senior analyst, I offer my experience of challenging and versatile analyses for the use of the whole team, although one of the advantages of Retriever is the low hierarchy, which means that I am also constantly learning new things from others, and solutions are sought equally together. On a typical day, for example, I might talk to a customer in the morning about how they should change the measurement of communication with a new strategy, and in the afternoon jump into the sales process or work on my reports.

What's the best thing about your job?

Get to delve into the causes and consequences of phenomena down to the bottom and solve the customer's challenges. I also enjoy developing customer relations when I see that I have won the customer's trust and the cooperation develops over time. 


What is the most challenging part of your job?

If the customer is not already familiar with measuring or the topic is sensitive in the organization, there may be fear or other negative reactions in the customer's team towards it, which may be very strong – help, now an outsider criticizes or rates my work. In this case, I place special emphasis on the fact that the operating methods are as transparent as possible and the metrics are clear, and I build trust by responding to the customer's concerns in concrete terms. 


How do you approach publicity in crises?

In crisis communication, the stakes are high, and success is often a defensive victory rather than positive publicity. However, this is precisely why an outsider's perspective is useful – often one's point of view narrows in the eye of the storm, and only the most negative media coverage lingers with us, even if the reality has been more diverse. In this case, possible defenders or successes that could be used in the future are ignored.


What is the latest success in your work?

Since I am an experienced analyst and have long-term confidential client relationships, I regularly have so-called crisis analyses of topics that are sensitive to customers and possibly also in the whirlwind of a media frenzy, so internally it is difficult to get an objective perspective on them. The most recent couple of reports I made were such cases, where with an analysis I was able to provide the client with an objective perspective and thus help them in a difficult situation, which is always especially rewarding even for an analyst

How do you spend your free time?

My hobbies are Jamaican street dance called dancehall and cheerleading. My husband and I also go to the cinema and museums and enjoy city life. In addition, I am an avid reader, as a political scientist I am especially interested in political history, but I also devour detective stories.



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