Why and how to measure social media?

For businesses and organisations, it is important to be aware of your own visibility, and how you are perceived and referred to in social media. Monitoring and analysis of social media will be able to provide answers to the effect of targeted communication and provide insight into points of improvement and success stories.

To gain the control and get the insights required to work effectively with content, campaigns and reputation social media measurement should be done at two levels:

  • Own channels
  • Mention outside own channels


Own channels

Being successful with your own content in social media is important for creating engagement around the company's business and message. In a world with high information pressure, greater and greater demands are placed on the content of the social channels. By measuring how the company's content on social media works, you ensure knowledge of which posts and post format that actually engage and are relevant to the target group. This will optimize the use of internal resource as you can focus on creating the content that you know works, and drop the things that gives little payoff. We call it good publishing economics!


Mention outside own channels

Keeping an eye on what is being written about your own company outside of your own channels will give you control over whether there are positive or negative reviews, and which topics or products/services are being discussed. In addition, this will give you the opportunity to handle criticism and adjust the external communication continuously.


Monitoring and analysis of the competitor's mentions in social media will give you a further dimension in your communication work. What works for the competitors and what are they penalized for? In addition, you can measure your own campaigns against those of your competitors. There are often important learning points to be found here.


«Monitoring and analysis of social media is important because it provides valuable insight into the communication work. What content works, what do others say about you, and what does the competition look like? These are questions we want to answer». 


To measure your own channels and gain insight into conversations on social media, you depend on a good tool. In our listening and analysis tool Retriever Listen  you get a comprehensive overview of the activity in your own channels and what others write about you. It gives you the control and the valuable insight you need in one place.


In Retriever, we analyze the mentions in social media based on a number of variables and factors. We go deeper into the numbers and provide insight into how you appear and how your own posts perform. We help you set and measure KPIs, preferably in line with communication strategy and editorial coverage.


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