Social media risk #4 - Having a slow response time

Social media users expect a quick answer when commenting or asking a question. Fast response time is also very important for any customer service oriented organisation. Being slow can damage trust. How do you mange this?

In this blog post we take a look at 1 of 6 social media risk areas for the public sector and how to handle them. 



Having a slow response time


A slow response permanently damages trust

Failing to meet your users' timeframe expectations can severely affect your brand. And when the lack of response takes place on a public post, it risks causing a ripple effect; stakeholders often measure you by how promptly and professionally they see you engage with users.


Have a system in place to ensure fast and professional support

Do you know which aspect drains the most time for your agents? Track FRT and other key metrics for your team and per each agent Empower agents to quickly get the information they need Coordinate and make available standard replies Have a system in place for response ownership and agent handover


  • Assess

    • Do you know your average response time
    • Do you have a system for following up KPI for social media support?
    • Do you know which aspect drains the most time for your agents?
    • Do you have a plan to mange time drains?

How can RelationDesk help? 

  • Ensure no response is missed, down to the individual comment level
  • Automatically track and evaluate KPI
  • Searchable knowledge base
  • ”Ask for help” from anyone in the organisationMeasure




Did you know… Users appreciate transparency. Communicate your hours and typical response time clearly to precede and prevent frustration, and link to a self-service resource if possible.


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