6 ways customer care on social can drive business value

Do you work in social media management or customer care on social? You have a big impact on the bottom line.

80% of customers today use social media to engage with brands, and 70% have used a social channel to reach out with a customer service errand at some point. Social media has become a key customer service channel, and that trend is not likely to end anytime soon.

There are challenges inherent to this - especially considering the high expectations on receiving a timely response (preferably within 24 hours!) On the flip side of the coin, brands that handle customer care on social well enjoy big rewards. Here are some ways good customer care on social pays off:

  • Consumers are 71% more likely to make a purchase based on a social media referral
  • When a company uses social media to engage customers on service issues, customers spend up to 40% more
  • Companies with the best customer care on social enjoy up to 92% customer retention


Leverage your customer service 

How can your brand leverage customer service into more business, higher brand ambassadorship, and increased loyalty? Here is our list of 6 keys to better customer care on social media. 

  • 1. Support customers where they are - invest in social media.
    Social is a preferred customer service channel, and allows you to connect in a way much closer and more comfortable for your customer base.

  • 2. Always respond, and always on time.
    If there is one thing that sinks trust in a brand, it is lack of timely response. Ensure your team respond fast, preferably as measured against a social response time KPI, and never miss an enquiry - including the ones made in comments or comment threads.

  • 3. Ensure you can resolve errands on social, where possible.
    Where at all possible, avoid bouncing customers between reps and support channels. To do this, you will need to have a system in place to allow your social media care reps to communicate with each other and outside of the team without leaving their customer hanging for long.

  • 4. Provide a great experience.
    Simple to say, difficult to do. But the best way to set a high bar for all your customer interactions on social is to ensure representatives have clear guidelines, easily accessible standard responses to adapt, and a good system for following up and evaluating customer sentiment over time. (You set the guidelines - our product RelationDesk provides the rest.)

  • 5. Handle negative public feedback quickly.
    Why is this important? Existing and potential customers judge brands based on what they see from other users. The key here is to monitor negative feedback and respond quickly and professionally. 

  • 6. What gets measured, gets improved.
    Last, but definitely not least, is the cornerstone of professional social media management - monitor, evaluate, learn and improve everything you do. Platforms like RelationDesk help you track and see what works on social: from campaign results, to response time, down to individual agent metrics.

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